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Can a Vegan Diet Lead to Effortless Weight Loss?

vegan food

Struggling with excess weight can be incredibly emotionally and physically taxing; leading to loss of confidence and increasing risk of a wide range of undesirable health outcomes.  Fortunately, there’s a lot we can do about it with diet.

One of the many benefits I’ve experienced from adopting a vegan diet is the amount of weight I’ve effortlessly lost.  Choosing only healthy, minimally processed plant foods, I really just eat as much as I like, and I don’t stress over self-restriction; good thing because I LOVE food.  I also find I’m much more active too, since my energy levels are unbelievably high these days.

Does science show that vegans are more slender?

Weight loss on a vegan diet is not just my personal anecdote; over twenty studies have found vegans (those following an entirely plant based diet) to have lower BMIs and low body fat percentages than other dietary groups.1  In fact, in the Adventist Health Study 2 (a study of 96,000 people) including large numbers of vegans, vegetarians, pescatarians and meat eaters, found that vegans were the ONLY group to fall within the normal BMI bracket. 

It’s not only studies looking at large numbers of existing plant eaters who find this the best way for optimising weight; when this same diet has been used as an intervention to observe weight loss, results have also been thoroughly impressive.  The BROAD study was a 12 month intervention where 65 people with elevated BMI or poor lipid readings were split into two groups; one to receive “regular care“, and the other to follow an eat as much as you like whole food plant based diet with B12 supplementation.  After twelve months the whole food plant based group had lost an average of 4.2 BMI points (That’s HUGE!) without any mandated exercise or restrictions on the amount of food they were allowed to eat.  The researchers concluded that to the best of their knowledge, no other intervention that didn’t require calorie control or mandate exercise had achieved greater weight loss at 6 or 12 months.

So what exactly that makes a vegan diet a “magic pill” when it comes to reaching and maintaining a healthy body weight?  Whilst even more mechanisms exist, some of the most important are the following:

1.Reduced calorie density

People tend to eat around the same weight of food during meals, so when the foods they eat are (low calorie density) low in calories proportional to their weight, they end up consuming less calories unintentionally, whilst still feeling full and satisfied as the foods still register with the stomach as a large volume.  Plant foods that are minimally processed are high in water content and fibre, making them lower calorie density.


Fruits, vegetables and leafy greens are the super stars when it comes to this, so if you’re trying to lose weight then stuff your plate full of these foods!  Beans and wholegrains are also lower calorie density than animal foods and really must be included in a healthy plant based diet. This is a way to lose weight whilst feeling full and satisfied!

If you’re already on a plant based diet and struggling with reducing your weight, here are a food foods to look out for:

Foods that are very high in calorie density on a plant based diet include foods with minimum water (such as bread, dried fruit, nuts).  Oil packs a huge amount of hidden calories in food; each tablespoon provides around 120 calories.  In addition to hefty use of salt, I’d say this is one of the top reasons why you’ll typically notice a natural weight reduction when you increase the amount of food you eat at home.

2. Improved gut microbiota symbiosis

The gut microbiome is such as fascinating topic when it comes to influencing so many health outcomes in the body.  Whilst many people know that the health of your microbiota can strongly impact digestive symptoms and even mental health symptoms, fewer people realise what impact it exerts on weight.

The gut microbiome can not only influence energy balance, but influence satiety and gut inflammation. Incredibly, the Bacteroidetes taxa has been associated with reduced obesity compared to Firmicutes.  One randomized cross over trial showed a 20% increase in Firmicutes bacteria to associate with around 150 greater kilocalories absorbed, compared to a 20% increase in Bacteroidetes associating with around 150 fewer kilocalories absorbed2.

Interestingly, when weight loss is achieved through reducing total calories (as typically happens effortlessly with the adoption of a whole food plant based diet), bacterial gut populations shift from Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes.  It’s as if your body realises you’re trying to lose weight, and starts to give you a helping hand once you make that initial change!

Another really cool thing happens when you load your plate with whole plant foods which are naturally high in fibre (you won’t find any fibre in animal foods);  when undigestible fibres are fermented in the colon, short chain fatty acids are produced.  Short chain fatty acid production leads to the release of peptide YY (a hormone that hunger and consequently food intake), in addition to glucagon-like peptide (a hormone that delays gastric emptying).


  • Look for your wholegrains and beans for great sources of that undigestible fibre. 
  • The NUMBER 1 determinant of a healthy diverse microbiome, as stated by expert Rob Knight from the American Gut Project, is the diversity of plant foods contained in the diet; that means try and get as much variety and colour on your plate!

3. Increased insulin sensitivity

High-fibre, plant-based diets (composed primarily of healthy unrefined carbohydrates and low in saturated fats)  have been shown to be incredibly effective in increasing insulin sensitivity and treating Type 2 diabetes 3.

Improving insulin sensitivity may directly impact body weight, improved insulin sensitivity leads to better glucose handling and consequentially increased energy expenditure from carbohydrate ingestion4.  This may partially explain why a number of interventions using similar calorie intakes for nonvegetarian and plant-based participants have led to greater reductions in fat mass by those in the plant-based group.

Pro-tip: Improving insulin sensitivity requires reducing saturated fat intake.  Whilst this is achieved fairly easily through adopting an whole food plant based diet, one sneaky “health food” is laden with saturated fat- coconut.  Whilst coconut is DELICIOUS, it is extremely high in saturated fat, and making it a regular part of the diet may be problematic for weight loss goals.  Enjoy the occasional fresh coconut, but minimise use of all cooking oils (including coconut!) if weight loss is a goal.  

Together, these mechanisms lead to increased satiation and increased energy expenditure, leading to natural, effortless weight loss.

It’s important to note that this is only true of whole food plant-based diets; a chips and Coca Cola vegan diet is unlikely to result in weight loss, and certainly won’t lead to favourable health outcomes.  If you’d like any help with your weight loss journey and a personalised programme put together, I would love to work with you!


  1. Mangels R, Messina V. The Dietitan’s Guide to Vegetarian Diets: Issues and Applications. 3rd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning; 2010.
  2. Jumpertz R, Le DS, Turnbaugh PJ, et al. Energy-balance studies reveal associations between gut microbes, caloric load, and nutrient absorption in humans. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011;94(1):58-65. doi:10.3945/ajcn.110.010132
  3. Tonstad S, Butler T, Yan R, Fraser GE. Type of vegetarian diet, body weight, and prevalence of type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2009;32(5):791-796. doi:10.2337/dc08-1886
  4. Ravussin E, Acheson KJ, Vernet O, Danforth E, Jéquier E. Evidence that insulin resistance is responsible for the decreased thermic effect of glucose in human obesity. J Clin Invest. 1985;76(3):1268-1273. doi:10.1172/JCI112083

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For a happier, healthier you, and a happier, healthier planet.
Samala Austin
Samala Austin
14:00 29 Nov 22
Camilla has been helping me with my health. She is thorough, and has a broad understanding of what the body needs and issues we may have and not know about.She’s been super helpful in suggesting supplements for me to take, which has been great, as it can be so confusing in knowing what to buy and what I actually need. She helped get a proper blood test and was able to give me a thorough reading of it.She’s very caring and Thoughtful.She goes above and beyond. I highly recommend working with Camilla. ❤️💫
Chantelle Johnson
Chantelle Johnson
03:31 25 May 22
Amazing. I've worked with a few naturopaths and I've found naturopathy so very helpful on my health journey but Camilla is next level! Such a supportive, kind and knowledgeable resource.
L Bratty
L Bratty
09:14 30 Nov 21
I cannot thank Camilla enough for her support and guidance helping me discover my health issues and setting me on the path to getting my health back on track. I am so thankful I sought her advice, as I have seen drastic changes within a fortnight. I am looking forward to continuing my health journey with Camilla and would highly recommend for those seeking to improve their health in a natural way.
Emma Fabricius
Emma Fabricius
22:56 11 Sep 21
I cant ´t describe how grateful I am to have got in contact with Camilla! She really has an amazing knowledge about the body and how it all works together on a different level than anyone I´ve ever worked with. I came to her to get help with my headaches, migraines and fatigue after years and multiple visits/treatments with different doctors, experts etc. without any luck. Instead of just recommending me a "quick-fix", she worked with me to find the underlying issues.I've been working with her for a couple of months now and she never fails to give me the highest quality treatment in all aspects. She is also super quick to respond to any question or concern I might have, which I really appreciate.She is also one of the kindest, sweetest and most understandable people you will ever meet. It is so comforting and calming to finally have found a person who truly cares about your health as she does (AND is vegan!!). I can´t recommend her enough!! Thank you Camilla :)
Punam Mann
Punam Mann
02:02 06 Sep 21
Camilla has been absolutely amazing and I highly recommend her. She understands and respects my vegan dietary choices which I have struggled with other doctors and naturopaths. She patiently listens and created a thorough treatment plan for me. I have been on the treatment plan for a few weeks now and my symptoms have greatly reduced and I’m already feeling much better. I’m highly impressed by her prompt response to my emails. She is very knowledgeable and helpful and has made my healing journey extremely comfortable.Thank you Camilla
Fabiana Loddo
Fabiana Loddo
23:10 20 Jul 21
In the past, what I found difficult with doctors was the fact that they did not listen to me; they literally finished the sentences on my behalf all the time, rushing a diagnosis!Camilla is such a great listener, she really took all the possible information from me, she studied my case meticolously and came up with a cure which makes a lot of sense...and she explained it to me! Some other practitioners just prescribe lots of things and do not even explain what is cointained in those supplements/herbs and what they are specifically for.I highly recommend Camilla to all the ones who want a "same-level" relationship which their practitioner and not a "yes, I trust you, you are the expert" kind of relationship.Thank you Camilla!
Julien Fouquet
Julien Fouquet
11:31 19 Jul 21
I'm so glad I went to see Camilla, being vegan it's nice to find a naturopath who shares the same values.She asked me a lot of questions during the initial consult, I felt that she was genuinely trying to help. After a few weeks and some tests done, she made a very detailed treatment plan which was very thorough and well explained.After only a few weeks following the treatment plan, the symptoms greatly improved as my gut health got better.I'd highly recommend Camilla as she has great knowledge combined with a caring and effective holistic approach.
Charlene G
Charlene G
02:35 18 Jul 21
I truly wish I found Camilla earlier and I HIGHLY recommend her to anyone looking for a naturopath! I've been seeing her for a few months now and I'm constantly impressed at how thorough, knowledgeable and passionate she is. I've had gut and hormonal issues for as long as I can remember, and from the get-go, I felt Camilla was truly invested in finding the underlying causes and helping me resolve them. She is also the warmest, kindest person - an absolute joy to work with.I've already seen such vast improvements in my health, and for the first time in my life, I'm confident that my issues can well and truly be resolved. I also really appreciate working with a fellow vegan who not only understands my values, but is equally passionate about them too.Thank you so much, Camilla! I cannot recommend her enough!
Libby Penney
Libby Penney
07:09 05 Jul 21
I am so grateful I have found Camilla. We hit it off straight away and she understands me. Her knowledge is second to none. She goes above and beyond and has helped me so much, so quickly. I honestly don’t know what I’d do without her. Thank you Camilla.
Matt Gussin
Matt Gussin
16:41 22 May 21
I've had a pretty horrid time with gut and fatigue problems for over two years and in this time, I have seen countless doctors, naturopaths, gastroenterologists, Chinese medicine practitioners and so on...Some of which told me to stop my vegan diet, so this was when I searched for a vegan Naturopath and found Camilla.Camilla has been nothing but outstanding since our first contact. She is the first person in my health journey who I feel is genuinely invested in my health and has worked tirelessly to help and provide answers. She is always quick to reply to my lengthy emails and although currently at the early stages of my treatment, every piece of advice and treatment given has been based off facts and logical reasoning.I really recommend Camilla. I have felt very comfortable with her from day one and you will get someone who is knowledgeable, passionate but most importantly, will do her utmost to help you through any problem.
Sophie Smith
Sophie Smith
02:36 22 May 21
I would without a doubt recommend Camilla to anyone looking for a naturopath. She is so warm, caring, knowledgable and helpful. I sought Camilla’s help to work on my severe PMS, heavy and painful periods and PTSD and mental health. From the moment I saw her she went above and beyond and is always there to help whenever I have any questions or concerns. I have just started my treatment plan and feel confident that I will see an improvement with my concerns.Thank you so much Camila x
Laura Harper
Laura Harper
02:59 07 Apr 21
I have been working with Camilla for a couple of months now with the aim of treating and managing hair loss, stress, and anxiety. Camilla's process is incredibly thorough and informative and it has been amazing to not only feel better, but learn SO much in the process. My treatment plan has been very manageable, and Camilla has always made sure I understand why we are doing things rather than just telling me. This ​has really helped me to feel more in control and kept me committed to the lifestyle changes. Prior to working with Camilla, I felt a pretty overwhelmed with information, none of which I could be certain was true or even relevant to my symptoms whereas Camilla's process is so personal, and completely tailored to the individual.Camilla has been so kind, and understanding and has made the whole experience as comfortable and easy as possible. I have been shocked by how quickly I began to feel positive changes, and cant wait to see them continue!
Millie Guest
Millie Guest
02:45 04 Mar 21
Camilla is an incredible naturopath. I was recommended by a friend. I was struggling with my energy levels and needed help to figure out why. The consults were thorough and in-depth and camilla made me feel super comfortable the whole way through.I had bloods done which confirmed i was low on iron as she had predicted. She wrote me an amazing in depth treatment plan, which included when and how to take my supplements with loads of tips & tricks on how to get the most out of them and include more into my diet. She also gave me loads of great recipes to cook to help with my iron intake.It has been over a month into treatment and i feel super energetic and full of life again. It was exactly what i needed to help get back to myself.I couldn’t recommend her enough. If you’re struggling with anything her in-depth knowledge in her field will help you.Thankyou camilla.
Sophie Farrelly
Sophie Farrelly
03:42 29 Dec 20
Camilla is very knowledgeable, helpful and has a wonderful nature. She’s caring and goes above and beyond to help. I can’t recommend her enough. Thank you!
02:07 06 Nov 20
Highly recommend. Camilla is a delight, very passionate and committed to getting clients back to their best!
Vivian Ruth
Vivian Ruth
09:03 28 Oct 20
I’m so grateful for the treatment that I received from Camilla. My results improved within a month!! She is very attentive, knowledgeable and caring. I highly recommend her for everyone!!
Chloe Compton
Chloe Compton
10:20 24 Sep 20
I had several online consultations with Camilla. She was a pleasure to work with and very knowledgeable. Her treatment plan has really helped me and improved my skin condition. Highly recommend.
Lilla Magyari
Lilla Magyari
11:16 01 Sep 20
Camilla is an amazing Naturopath! Her knowledge and enthusiasm is absolutely fantastic! She helped me a lot in the past and still does whenever I need. You can count on her 100%. I only can recommend her!!! 💚 🌱 💚🌱💚🌱💚🌱💚
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