Online or virtual services are becoming increasingly the norm, especially through the current global state of affairs. Whilst I LOVE in-person human connection, and fully appreciate that talking face-to-face is something we need more of in this world, we can still provide the same level of expertise and care from behind a computer screen. Plus, there are some very real advantages of seeing a Naturopath or Nutritionist online for a consult.
Online consults can be the ultimate in comfort. If you’re feeling sick often the last thing you want to do is leave the house, let alone get in a car, or use public transport. Don’t don’t want to put on make-up or even shower? You shouldn’t have to! If you want to stay in your pyjamas, be my guest.
Grab your biggest blanket, bring it over to the couch and just turn on your laptop; it doesn’t have to be more complicated than that.

There’s often a huge saving in time when it comes to doing something online rather than travelling to a physical location. Often travelling to and from a clinic is time consuming, and what might only be an hour’s appointment can end up taking half the day. You might find yourself waiting around if a practitioner is running late; sterile waiting rooms are not a place you want to find yourself.
Being location-independent can be especially useful if you travel frequently, have a holiday planned or live in a regional area which could turn an appointment into a day trip.
Online consults can also make them far easier to fit into your life, due to the travel time saved; it’s not uncommon for someone to just take half an hour or an hour out of their working day to fit an appointment in whilst they’re at the office.

Naturopathic practitioners often have a niche area they are exceptionally knowledgeable or passionate about. In my case, I particularly love to serve vegans, vegetarians and those wishing to transition to a plant-based diet, as well as people with mental health conditions.
Many of the people who are looking for a vegan Naturopath or Nutritionist who understands their values and has an in depth understanding of their diet and lifestyle, will be based far from where I’m located. Whilst I have two physical locations to see patients from, one in Sydney and one in Byron Bay, offering consults online means that I’m able to see patients from all over Australia, as well as areas in the UK such as London, Bristol and Brighton, as well as Berlin and Tel Aviv.
With only an internet connection between us, I can see the patients who I would never otherwise be able to meet or help.

Much as I love consulting online, I’ll be opening a clinic in Mullumbimby, Australia at the start of 2021. If you’re somewhere near the area, I would of course love to see you there. Whether it be online or in person, I’m really looking forward to connecting with you.
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